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Welcome to Mark's Mystical Musings. In this blog I will share my reflections upon my moments of living. I am coming from a new thought perspective that celebrates our personal and unique magnificence and beautiful journey. I follow that our moments are guideposts and opportunities to learn and evolve. Everything has information and meaning. I invite you to reflect upon my musings.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Feathered Pipe Ranch Helena, Montana... June 30, 2012

Something very special is about to happen…

Music is a powerful medium that impacts all of the energy bodies. Its vibrations and rhythms directly influence the physical down to the cellular level. Conscious application of pitch/frequency can intentionally affect a specific chakra or even an organ, bringing them back to resonance and health. Utilizing sound tools or even the voice can alter the brain waves to influence the state of peace, awareness, and activity. In other words, music is much more than just something to sing or dance to, though both are delightful and powerful elements to regularly drink in.

I am versed in creating music with intention to alter the vibration of an experience. At Feathered Pipe Ranch in Helena, Montana, starting on June 30, a unique pairing of yoga and music will invite participants to immerse themselves in a brand new world, a spontaneous cellular dance of intentional movement, release, and expansion. You are in for something that has not occurred in this form before. Applying music and song to specifically amplify yoga postures will undoubtedly lead to new vistas, deeper levels of clarity and, likely, profound releases of energetic debris held within body tissues. And this will occur in a beautiful setting aligned in all ways to support a safe journey for each precious individual committed to a full life.

This will be a spontaneous, improvisational journey that will ride the expert and inspired skills of Master Yoga practioner, Baxter Bell, MD…a delightful dance of balance, surrender, and rediscovery. We both follow guidance and trust to accept and act upon what the moment has to offer. Your energies, as a participant, will have a powerful influence on the collective vibration. From that creative chi we will draw inspiration to provide the forms necessary for us to flow in the most fertile channels to open us all to the greater truth of our being.

It is a bit of a folly to describe something that has yet to be experienced. But the guidance is playing with words to stir your cells into anticipation of something you are being called to join…an adventure. At my disposal, I have a bag full of intentional songs, chants, mantras, proclamations, rhythms, dances, movements, activities, sounds, and play. With guitar, voice, rattles, drums, bells, bowls, electronic sounds, synthesizer, we will partake in a sound wash fit only for our ears, hearts, and souls during this dynamic seven day chataqua. We will sing and sound and chant and move and explore the voice and its power to deliver us into the places where we belong. Grounded in regular yoga sessions we will breathe in and out…yoga and music, music and yoga…intertwined, interwoven, yet fully independent of one another.

You are the common element here…the true purpose of this long intended pairing of diverse paths. It is no accident that Baxter and I have been brought to these grounds to co create. We each have a history of showing up to the call without hesitation.  I believe you do too…Come and allow yourself to fully participate in a multi-dimensional expansion of you. Your vibration will rise and you will leave behind, on the Feathered Pipe earth, all that no longer serves you on any level. Have you wondered about these times? Have you wondered what it will take to clear, once and for all, those annoying and disempowering patterns that keep pulling you back? It’s all vibration…and vibration can be channeled into manifesting glory. And we all are born to manifest the glory. Let’s do it together…

Join us and get centered, get balanced, get inspired, get relaxed, get clear, get light, get going…get on with it. There has never been a better time to be on this earth. We have all incarnated to remember who we are. We are going to have a joy-filled, grand adventure remembering that at Feathered Pipe Ranch from June 30 to July 6, 2012. This is your invitation…this is your call…

Endless blessings…mark stanton welch


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